Working in healthcare, particularly mental health, presents can present challenges in terms of personal safety.
The personal Safety e-Learning module introduces some of these challenges, identifying hazards associated with working in mental health and with lone working. Ways in which these risks can be diminished are illustrated including visit planning, staying in contact and communicating whereabouts at all times.
The module explains how to recognise and reduce environmental risks, as well as highlighting how to identify indicators of aggression. De-escalation techniques are covered including effective use of voice control and body language to reduce risk and increase personal safety.
The need to recognise when to make a swift exit and the importance of trusting gut feelings or intuition are emphasised. Ways of raising alarms and the importance of reporting challenges to personal safety or near misses are also explained.
This e learning can be used by any staff who work in mental health or wider aspects of healthcare to increase awareness of personal safety techniques.